Most guys wait until they have created rapport to begin teasing a woman or bantering with her. But the trick is to begin bantering with a woman as quickly as possible.

The best way to deliver the lines below is as if you suddenly realized something about her after 30 seconds to a minute or so of talking to her or the group she’s with.
  • You and I aren’t gonna get along.
  • You guys aren’t tourists are you?
  • Don’t say anything, you’re cute. You’ll mess it all up.
  • You’re cool. You can help me pick up chicks.
  • You usually hang out at the library don’t you?
  • Oh, so you're one of THOSE…
  • You don’t have to be nervous, it’s cute.
  • I hate you.
  • Ok, note to self: don’t date her.
Remember, the only purpose of these lines is to set the tone of the interaction. Timing and relevance will play a big role in the above lines since you’re really trying to squeeze them in without her giving you much.
Second tip is; don’t dwell on the banter line. If she tries to pry to explain more… just let it roll off, give her a sly smile, and change the subject.
by Bobby Rio

What are the traits of good topics for conversation?

Not all topics are created equal. And most will just bore her silly.
She doesn’t want to hear about your job. She doesn't care about how long you've lived in your current city. And if one more guys asks her "Do you come hear often?" she will probably scream.

So what are some traits of topics that she DOES want to talk about. And more importantly… what are the traits of topics that will lead you to your desired outcome… ATTRACTION.

There are six main traits that good topics possess:
  1. A good topic should build rapport. This means that the topic will allow you and the woman to relate to each other on some level. It will give you an opportunity to build trust, and foster a connection with her. Once a woman finds that you have some level of connection with her… she will let her guard down and be much more open to continuing the conversation.
  2. A good topic should create an emotional state. Most of us walk around in what I refer to as "a boredom trance." The daily grind keeps us void of any real emotions. So we hunger for emotions. This is why the entertainment industry is a multi-billion dollar a year business. It satisfies our craving for an emotional state. If you choose topics that ignite these lost or repressed "positive" emotions, the woman you are talking to will be putty in your hands.
  3. A good topic should make you three dimensional. When a woman meets you she has trouble differentiating you from the hundreds of other hound dogs who have approached her over her life. It is easier for her to group you in with all of them and reject you.

    This is why it is important that you immediately introduce topics that will create a unique identity for you. It is even more powerful to add some contradictions to your identity. (You are an intellectual thinker- who also is an MMA fighter) This will not only make you unpredictable… but it will allow her to imagine herself having fun with you in different types of scenarios.
  4. A good topic provides hooks to keep a conversation going. Ultimately you want to get her to open up to you, express her emotions, and become invested in the conversation. The best way to do this is provide hooks for you to chime in. This means that a good topic acts as "bait" to hook her into becoming more emotionally involved in the conversation.
  5. A good topic allows you to display your attractive qualities. There are certain characteristics that women universally find attractive. These characteristics include: pre-selected by other women, social proof, leader of men, worldly, passionate, fun, and adventurous. The more of these characteristics the topic allows you to display – the better.
  6. A good topic leads to sexuality. If your goal is to create sexual attraction in a woman then ultimately you need to begin to build sexual tension. And the topics of your conversation must allow you to do this. This means that a good topic should be visceral; it should lend itself to touching, and should produce an undercurrent of sexuality.
Based on these six criteria I'm sure some good conversation topics are beginning to pop into your head.
by Bobby Rio
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